Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Learning to let go...

Learning to let go and trust in God has been a big life lesson for me over the past year and a half. I've always believed in the back of my mind that God will lead me in the right direction, but lately it has been front and center. Every time that I've raised a difficult time upto God, he has placed right where I should be. So many times throughout our daily lives do we try to control every little detail. As I grow older though, it seems that there are certain things that cannot be controlled. Certain things just need to run their own course. Now that Kevin and I are starting our lives together, so many what-ifs are coming into the picture. Not only regarding the wedding, but our future lives together.

Well I have now come upon another circumstance that I cannot control and I need to raise up. Kevin has left his job after some very hard contemplation. He was in a place that he just could not support the decisions that were being made. I love him so much for staying true to himself, and standing up for his morals. We both know that it was the right decision, but it still comes at a very difficult time. He is such a wonderful person and has so many amazing qualities to offer, and I just need to trust that God will lead him in the right direction.

Even though I know that this is what I should be doing, its difficult not to freak out. Freak out about bills and our now one income family, freak out about all of the weddings that we are attending this summer and the funds to support that, and lastly freak out about the $$ for our own wedding. Woah Meghan, breathe...

I needed to get all of that out. I also need to let it all go. Please Lord help me to trust in you and know that you never give us more than we can handle.

On a lighter note-is anyone else ready for the holiday weekend?!?!?!


Politically Sweet said...

this post truly shows just how strong you are! i truly envy your attitude and know that as cliche as it sounds, everything happens for a reason. only God knows what that reason is! take this weekend as a time to deserve it!

The Beloved Wife said...

Wow it takes a lot of guts to put those kind of feelings out into the blogosphere! Props Meghan!

I, too, believe God will lead you both where you need to be. Stay strong and know that there are others out there experiecing similar situations too. There is nothing greater than knowing you stood up for what is right and moral, and no amount of money could ever close to the worth of your dignity and self respect. Kudos to you guys for doing the right thing!!!! :O)