Saturday, October 1, 2011


It seems that many of us face the same trials and tribulations throughout our daily lives. What do I want to be when I grow up? Where do I want to live? What kind of life do I want to live? Let's be honest, I've never been one to have all the answers. Frankly I've never really known who I was. But it isn't really that black and white, is it?

Looking at older siblings I always felt I had to live up to their amazing standards. The sibling who always knew where she wanted to live and what she wanted to do...and of course succeeded in both areas. The sibling who seemed to sail through life dating the perfect person, marrying said person, having beautiful children, etc. And finally the free-will sibling who although never had a plan, seemed to fit perfectly into the 'go-with-the-flow' lifestyle. It always seemed to click for them, why not me? How did I grow up so lost?

Then there are the friends that everything seems to work for. We all have them, let's be honest. They have problems of their own, but they always seem to resolve...easily.

I've come to realize recently though, that while from the outside these people seem to have it all they are just as lost as I am. Who ever has life fully figured out? Things change every day and we as people change right along with them. This has been a hard concept for me to grasp over this past year. I've always been a planner. Climbing rung by rung on what I thought was the ladder to my happiness. I had a moment, almost two years ago at this point, where I thought, "Could this really be happening? Could everything I always wanted actually be within my reach? Could I really be this lucky?" Welllllll...we all know how that turned out.

I was working towards my dream job, my dream wedding, and my dream life. Those were my dream aspirations then, but what about now? I am a completely different person than I was then. So how do I come up with completely different dreams?

Its not that the old me has gone entirely out the window, but I have no boundaries now. I can live wherever and do whatever. On my own timeline. Im just left thinking...where is this timeline headed?

How do you create goals and aspirations for yourself when you have no idea what you want out of life?

Monday, August 29, 2011

Master Cleanse- thoughts ladies??

So as we approach fall (let's face it, in my mind we're already there), my body is starting to calm down from the craziness of my summer schedule. I've mentioned before that I didn't treat myself very well this summer-crazy ridiculous hours at work, very little sleep, poor eating and drinking habits-and that I wanted to take time to better myself this fall. What better way to start than by flushing out the old? Literally.

I've been doing some research on cleanses lately and I think I have decided to give it a go. I'm going to try out the master cleanse, aka the lemonade cleanse. I'm sure that you have all heard of it before. I'm planning on trying it out for 7 days. Let's be honest though, if I make it past 4 I will consider it a success :)

I've been feeling incredibly lethargic and run-down so I need something to restart my system. I want to start this season fresh, giving my body plenty of time to gear up for cold/flu season.

If any of you have either done a cleanse or this cleanse in particular, I would LOVE to hear your thoughts! I've heard that the first three days are the most difficult, but I would be grateful to hear any other words of wisdom that you may have. Please dish ladies!!

Monday, August 22, 2011

A Bedroom Makeover

Anyone remember when Miranda wanted to turn around her bedroom karma in satc and re-did her bedroom? Well ladies, fingers crossed it works in real life as well! It is high time for me to have a legit grown-up bedroom. One that might say: "My life is fully together and I have a bedroom to prove it! Yes, look is fabulous." Never said I was no longer a dork :)

Some ispiration I've found so far:

Ideas and more inspiration would be greatly appreciated ladies! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Vacation Over...Time to Start Living

So it's been a year since all of the shiznaz went down in my life. I'm coming up on my anniversary of moving to this gorgeous island, and it's obviously got me thinking about my life's direction. Do any of you ever feel so overwhelmed and empowered (at the same time) that you can do/be whatever you want in life?

Just me? Okay, great.

Anyways...I gave myself one year to be selfish and reckless. I think I did a pretty good job of that. For the most part, I did what I wanted and had a great time doing so. I will forever be a planner deep down though and need to know where this whole thing is going. I'm trying to take the time this fall to lay some foundations for my future. To most people these actions will seem pretty trivial, but hey I'm the one living this life over here.

  1. I really want my apartment to be a place that I am proud of. I love gawking at amazing interior design and would love to have a home that reflects who I am.

  2. I want to take the time to take care of myself. I've worked like crazy this summer and my health has definitely been placed on the back burner. (More like in a tupperware in the way back forgotten corner of the fridge to be exact). Time to really invest in my well being.

  3. $avings...enough said.

  4. I want to work on the relationships in my life. It's easy to take these for granted when schedules get hectic, but I want the people in my life to know how much they mean to me. I am truly blessed to be surrounded with amazing people and I want to nurture those friendships.

So there you have it, my bucket list for fall. I can do it, I can do it, I can do it.

Its funny how your goals can change so much over the years. I've really enjoyed sinking into my mid-twenties and really wouldn't trade this time for anything. Just a few years ago I would have been packing up to go back to college. As much as I loved that time in my life, I'm happy to be where I am now.

Cheers to another year!

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Terry Stack Belts

I stumbled upon a fabulous new belt designer while purusing downtown a few weeks ago. The company is called Terry Stack. They produce a really great line of interchangeable belts and buckles. AND...the belts are velcro! Sounds crazy, I know. But you don't actually see the velcro phew!

I purchased the 1 1/8" Cognac Ostrich Belt:

With the 1 1/8" Casual Gold Sailboat Buckle:

I'm definitely eyeing the crab though as my next buckle purchase though!

The belt made it's debut last night when I went on a dinner date. Let's just say everything about the night received rave reviews! Happy shopping ladies!

Thursday, August 4, 2011

A Second Whatever I Want

Where to begin....well, where exactly did I leave off? Oh yes, just about one year ago....

A whole year seems like an awful lot to catch you up on, so let's try the cliff notes version shall we?

  • Engagement ended- quit job, moved to an island...

  • Life dreams semi-fell apart

  • Bartended/managed at a mexican cantina

  • Learned how to make a MEAN mojito :)

  • Met some amazing people

  • Found a killer townhouse with my bestie from college

  • Have spent the year like we were in college again

  • Became an aunt again...then a Godmother

  • Learned that I am pretty amazing and I won't settle for anything. Ever again.

I've missed the blog world very much. I've missed the real world very much to be honest. I've been living on an island where reality can seem jaded. I love Martha's Vineyard more than anything and consider this place the safest rehab spot I could have chosen. If you have never been here, you are seriously missing out! (And if you're looking for a vaca, I love house guests!)

It is very strange to be given a second chance at a life that you could have never had. I can't imagine not knowing the people I have met over the past year, or having the experiences that I have had. And it all could of never happened! How insane is that to think about?! I've been given the opportunity to be selfish...and it's amazing.

Everything does happen for a reason. Today I can honestly say that I can't even imagine being married right now. If that was meant to be my life, it would be. I am not going to pretend that it has been easy; but it has certainly been worth it.

I hope to be able to share all of the daily nuances that occur on this Rock with you. Hopefully you all enjoy, and welcome me back with open arms!

I'm raising my glass of Veuve to you we go again!