Friday, May 29, 2009

I'll take another rainy day....

...if it means a sunny weekend! It has been raining all week so I'm looking forward to a weekend by the pool/beach. (I just love it that you can lay out at our pool and see the ocean thats just across the street!) Maybe its because I've been stuck inside all week, but last night I decided that I needed a change. I took a big step and cut my hair. Yes, CUT. I've trimmed my own hair before (who hasn't?) between cuts, but last night I took a plunge and performed a full-on style makeover. I don't have a picture to show you all, but this is basically exactly what it looks like:I'm actually really happy with how it turned out. I'll make sure to take some pics this weekend to show you on Monday!

I was excited this morning when I picked up my mail because the new dress patterns that I ordered came in! Looks like i'll be doing some sewing by the pool! I hope that you all have fun and fabulous plans for the weekend as well. Can't wait to hear all about them on Monday!

Happy Friday Ladies!!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Wednesday Ramblings

Yesterday I finally ordered my fabric for the dress I am making for the Taste of the Vineyard. It is the first big event on Martha's Vineyard in the summer and everyone must be dressed in their vineyard best. I've chosen the following fabric which is absolutely adorable and completely prep-tastic:

Hopefully it will arrive this week and I can work my magic on it this weekend. I will definitely post pics when it is completed!

Now the next big decision will be shoes....hmmmm

Well, these shoes definitely don't work for this dress, but I am completely lusting after both of them. I saw them in the new jcrew catalog and I need to find an accuse to have them!

I am saving money on clothing, so why not invest it in shoes right?!

Happy Hump Day Ladies! The weekend is almost in sight!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Ten Things I’d Love To Tell My Younger Self

Thought this was adorable and had to pass it on...

Why I've been MIA...

I know, I know...I said that I was back for good to blogging on a regular basis, but last week was complete insanity. I have a lot of events that I'll be attending this summer (4 weddings, 2 wedding showers, Taste of the Vineyard...) and of course I will want to look as cute as possible at all of these fabulous outings. Looking at all of the adorable dresses on Lilly, VV, JCrew, etc. got me to thinking that even though my taste is simple, it is VERY expensive. I made a stand and have decided to make all of my own dresses for this summer. So exciting!

I had my first wedding this past weekend and I was really happy with how my dress turned out. I used a white on white patterned fabric for the top and a blue coral print fabric for the skirt section. I had actually started to make another one, but made this one last week for the wedding instead. The difficult part was that although I have a sewing machine, it has decided to just stop working on me. AHHHH! Of course when I actually need it, it goes kaput on me. Sooooo long story short I sewed the entire dress by hand. Hence why I've been so busy! Here are some of my favorite photos from the wedding... (Oh, and did I mention that Kevin was the best I had to look good!)

Can you tell we love to dance??? hahah
Now onto making the next dress!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

New Fun Things

Hello, Hello,

Happy hump day all! The middle of the week is upon us, which means that the weekend is nearing in. Yay! This post is going to be pretty random, so bear with me lol. I have had some new fun things going on this week that I wanted to share...

1. New Workout:

Zumba! I had my first zumba class on Monday night and loved it! It is definitely an intense workout. I can't remember the last time I sweat so much during a workout haha. I would highly reccomend it anyone who is looking for something new a fun to try. It is all fun, current, and upbeat music so you really don't feel like your taking a workout class. It seriously just felt like one big dance party! And who doesn't love a good dp, right? I am feeling more and more sore as the week goes on so I know I worked it haha. I'm excited for next weeks class!

2. New Hardware:

I have the best boyfriend ever! Kevin surprised me with this little beauty yesterday morning before I left for work. He said it totally reminded him of me lol. I am loving the color!

3. New TV Show:

Has anyone else seen 'Taking the Stage' on mtv? I caught some clips of episodes here and there when it was on during the weekends and thought it was okay, but this week I started watching the full episodes online and got completely sucked in! I would have loved to go to a high school like SCPA when I was a teenager. These kids are really talented. I am totes jealous of Mia's voice. It's amazing! I do hope that she gets signed to some label, because I would definitely listen to her music.

5. New Music:

I've started to hear this song on the radio and a few other places and I absolutely love it. Erin McCarley seems like a really cool artist and I'm definitely interested to hear more from her in the future.

I hope you enjoy my new favorites!

xoxo M

Monday, May 11, 2009

Weekend Recap

Now that the warm weather has come, I feel like my weekends are jam packed and are over in a heartbeat. I wish my company would move to a 4-day work week. It would be so amazing to have three day weekends every week. Ugh, sadly though, it looks like that will not be happening. Onto the good stuff- this weekend was absolutely fabulous (although I wish I was able to get some more sleep!). Friday night we headed up to Maine for a party at a friends house. It was an 80s themed party and Kevin and I were dressed to impress. I have always been a huge fan of theme parties and always get decked out lol. Unfortunately though, I didn't take any pics this weekend :(. Saturday morning I was up early to surprise my oldest sister for her birthday. My other sister and I went over with my niece with mimosas, coffee, & muffins in tow. She loved the surprise. What better way to wake up on your birthday, right?! That night we did mother's day with my family along with my bestest M and her friend J. M & J live on the vineyard, so it was a special treat having them visit for the night. We went out for drinks in Portsmouth and met up with a bunch more people. Yesterday we headed to Kevin's parent's to celebrate mother's day with them. By the time we got home last night we both crashed!

Although I've been really tired all day, I am going to my first zumba class tonight! They are offering it weekly at the gym in my work building. I've heard that zumba is intense and that you can burn 700 calories a class! I was a dancer for 15 years, so I have a feeling I am going to love the salsa/hip-hop/aerobic dance mix. I'll give you all the full report tomorrow!

P.S. Run, don't walk, to your nearest Marshall's. All of the Lilly items have arrived and the prices are unbelievable!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Back from Hiatus

Hello Strangers!

I have not blogged in several months- I apologize. The winter was so blah that there really wasn't anything exciting to chat about! Now that the summer is revving up again though, the fun starts! I hope that I can become more frequent with my posts, because I love reading all of yours so much! A lot has happened over the past few months, so here is a recap:

Kevin and I moved in together! We celebrated our three year anniversary in April :). We have the most amazing apartment, and I honeslty have no idea how we lucked out on this one.

We live right on the beach! I love being able to step outside to the smell of the ocean everyday. I've always said that I could never live far from the ocean- its something inside of me that craves it. I feel truly blessed to have found this wonderful spot. Here are some more pics of our view:

We have only lived there for a month so there is still a lot to be done:painting, decorating, etc. But we are loving every minute of it!

Since I haven't been blogging in forever, I would love your suggestions on some new, fun and exciting blogs that I should check out. Let me know!

So excited to be back in the blogging world- I've missed you ladies!! xoxo