Monday, May 11, 2009

Weekend Recap

Now that the warm weather has come, I feel like my weekends are jam packed and are over in a heartbeat. I wish my company would move to a 4-day work week. It would be so amazing to have three day weekends every week. Ugh, sadly though, it looks like that will not be happening. Onto the good stuff- this weekend was absolutely fabulous (although I wish I was able to get some more sleep!). Friday night we headed up to Maine for a party at a friends house. It was an 80s themed party and Kevin and I were dressed to impress. I have always been a huge fan of theme parties and always get decked out lol. Unfortunately though, I didn't take any pics this weekend :(. Saturday morning I was up early to surprise my oldest sister for her birthday. My other sister and I went over with my niece with mimosas, coffee, & muffins in tow. She loved the surprise. What better way to wake up on your birthday, right?! That night we did mother's day with my family along with my bestest M and her friend J. M & J live on the vineyard, so it was a special treat having them visit for the night. We went out for drinks in Portsmouth and met up with a bunch more people. Yesterday we headed to Kevin's parent's to celebrate mother's day with them. By the time we got home last night we both crashed!

Although I've been really tired all day, I am going to my first zumba class tonight! They are offering it weekly at the gym in my work building. I've heard that zumba is intense and that you can burn 700 calories a class! I was a dancer for 15 years, so I have a feeling I am going to love the salsa/hip-hop/aerobic dance mix. I'll give you all the full report tomorrow!

P.S. Run, don't walk, to your nearest Marshall's. All of the Lilly items have arrived and the prices are unbelievable!

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