Monday, June 30, 2008

is it friday yet?!

This weekend was soo much fun! Back to work today, and already counting down until this weekend lol. My cousins on my mom's side of the family as well as all of my siblings get together for what we like to call "fun weekends". We do them for everyone's 21st b-days and try to do them a couple of times throughout the year as well. Since we don't live close to eachother, our fw's entail getting together for the weekend and catching up/reminiscing (which also usually entails a lot of drinking as well lol). We are having an fw for the fourth and I am so pumped! It will be at my sister and her husbands house. They live a few miles from the beach, so we'll spend part of the day there and the rest having a big bash back at their house. Only four more days!!!

My whole family at the wedding- (L to R) Kevin, myself, my brother Sean, my sister Kelly, my brother-in-law Patrick, my sister Christine, my Dad, my Mom

With the Bride!
Me and my siblings :)
Me and Kevin
Out on the dance floor!

Friday, June 27, 2008

Sooooo ready for the weekend...

I know that I've been complaining about my job a lot lately, but it's hard not to when you spend most of your time there. I've determined that I need to get out. ASAP. My bff just got a job down on the vineyard and is begging me to move down there with her. Keep your fingers crossed ladies! I would absolutely love to live/work on the vineyard. I'm pretty sure that I've sent my resume out to at least 50 different places this week lol. One of them has to work out, right??

This has been the longest week ever and I am so ready for the weekend. I have a wedding to go to tomorrow with my whole family which I am really looking forward to! It's my mom's bff's daughter so it should be a lot of fun. (I'll be sure to post some pics on Monday) Other than that I am looking forward to relaxing. Luckily neither of my bosses will be in the office next week so it should be a lot less stressful. And it will be a short week because of the 4th-I can't wait!

Enjoy your weekend!

P.S. I'm pretty sure I have the cutest mom ever- We were talking the other day and I was telling her how I had seen the mtv true life "I'm a Southern Belle" and how I was jealous that I wasn't a southern belle myself. (You girls are just so adorable and fun!) My mom turned around and dubbed me an honorary "Northern Belle- same finesse and style, just a little less of an accent". Lol oh mom how I love you!

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Lifelong Dream

This may sound like the strangest thing, but for my entire life I have always said that I want to live at a lighthouse. I can't even put into words my love affair with the ocean, and lighthouses have always gone along with that. Today I received an e-mail from my one of my older sisters, forwarding on an article to me. The Scituate lighthouse in Scituate, MA is in need of a new lighthouse keeper...

After reading the article my heart burst! Can you imagine actually having an opportunity like that?! I e-mailed them right away for more information (i'm such a nerd, i know). Come to find out that it technically isn't a job (you don't get paid for it) and that you are a tenant renting out the cottage for $900.00 a month. But still $900.00 a month year round right on the ocean, it's unheard of! It would be such a crazy move to pick up and leave Maine/New Hampshire and find a new job on the south shore...but do you think that I'm crazy if I'm considering it??

How could you not want to live here...?!

Especially after my post earlier this morning, mabey this is exactly what I need. All I need to do is find a job now...wish me luck!

stuck in a rut...

So I work for an educational assesment non-profit company as a program assistant. I work on our Utah contracts, so I get to travel out there quite frequently (every couple of months or so). I have been a full-time employee for a year now-on July 9th to be exact- and have enjoyed my time so far. I started off with this great boss who reminded me of an older sister. We had a lot in common-both complete preps-and we also worked together very well. She was tough, but in a good way. I learned so much from here and really admired her. About 2 1/2 months ago she decided to leave the company. I guess I didn't realize then how it was going to take a toll on me...

I'm really not enjoying work anymore. I always knew that this was not the field that I wanted to stay in forever, but this is a really good company to work for and like I said I've really been learning a lot. I feel like my boss/bosses now don't look at me like an equal as I was previously viewed before. I understand that I am significantly younger than they are, but I don't want to be viewed as their child. I previously felt like I had a solid standing in both of our contracts, but feel now that I am not viewed that way. A program assistant is not the personal assistant of the program manager. There are clear and outlined tasks that each of us are responsible for carrying out. But I feel like right now that is not how the Utah team is being run/the direction that it is going in. I don't know what to do.

I'm sorry but I really needed to vent. It's strange when you realize how strongly something/someone can effect you. I could really use some words of wisdom...

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Pic of the Day

A wonderfuly beachy pic. Enjoy your day ladies!

Wednesday, June 18, 2008


Last night I actually had the townhouse to myself (rare when there are four people living there), and decided to buy Becoming Jane on comcast. Totally worth it! I absolutely loved it. If you haven't seen it, you need to! It's sad in the end, but the attraction/connection between Tom & Jane gives you butterflies. If I didn't already have an enormous crush on James McAvoy after seeing's now blown into a full fledged LOVE AFFAIR lol.

He is just down right sexy. He's one of those actors that makes me go weak in the knees. One look from him, and I would absoluetly melt., you...think about it lol. wink. wink.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

thinking out loud

Everyone goes through different stages in their lifetime. Some great, some not so great. Sometimes it can be easy to put on a smile and trick others into believing that everything is great. After a while though you just don't want to pretend anymore. It can be hard to move to a new place and settle yourself. That is what I am dealing with right now.

Towards the end of school, my group of friends began to divide and deciding to of course stand behind my bff, I've been left with half the amount of close friends. I know that leaving behind certain people in your life is the right thing to do. Some people can be like poison to your system, but it is still one of the hardest things to cut-out a longtime friend. It's hard discovering who people truly are. For better or worse.

Living on my own has been great, but I miss having close girlfriends around. My bff lives on the south shore is ma., another good friend is living in south carolina for the summer, and the others are dispersed as well. It has been more difficult meeting new people than I thought it would be. In college, meeting new people was pie. Everyone was centralized around the same location and everyone had a commonality. Life in the real world is the exact opposite. I'm such a people person, and this has been a shock to my system.

I didn't know my roommates before I moved in with them, but they are all really nice. Even though we all get along, we're all different and not the type of people who would hang out a lot together outside of living together. I'm just looking for some really great girlfriends to go out and fun with. I've just gotten to the point in my life where I don't want to deal with drama and people's caddy attitudes anymore. I want to meet some genuine people who would be around for the long run.

Planning Time!

My second oldest sister C & her husband P are pregnant with their first child, a girl! This will be the first of the next generation in my family. She is due at the end of October. I am ecstatic! I also discovered that I can be called Auntie M! (Okay so my name isn't "Em" like in the Wizard of Oz, but Meghan shortened to "M" works just as well!) My sister/mother and I have begun throwing around some ideas for the shower. Since I plan events for my job anyways, I have taken the reigns on this. I want to make it a fun/personalized/preppy affair. I would love any ideas/suggestions ladies!

Monday, June 16, 2008

weekend recap

So upon arrival back on the east coast I came down with a nasty head cold which kind of ruined things for the weekend. The boyfriend (Kevin) met me at my apartment on Friday night. We relaxed, ordered in some food, and went to bed early. We sound like such an old couple, but it was exactly what I needed after the travel work week from hell lol. Saturday we ran some errands and was going to try and make it down to the beach. We stopped by my sister's/her hubby's and ended up never leaving. At least we made it w/in a couple miles of the beach!

Father's day was pretty relaxing. Hung out at my parent's all day and watched the Muppet show. Yes, the Muppet show. My oldest sister got my dad the first season of the MS on dvd and we all vegged & enjoyed a couple of episodes together. Who doesn't love some classic muppets? I mean really?

It made me realize that I will need to purchase it as well lol. Even Kevin was bummed that he missed it! Today I am back in the office and trying to work through having to blow my nose every two seconds. This week should hopefully be pretty quiet around here. I have a wedding coming up this weekend as well as next weekend. Don't you just love wedding season?!

Happy Monday Everyone!

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Scary, Scary

It is hard to admit, but I am horrible with my finances! I try to keep track of my debits/credits but I just can't seem to stay on top of it. My new goal is to really tackle my financial problems and clear up all of my bills. It would be so much easier to have a rich hubby to take care of it all for me! But that is definitely not going to happen, so I guess it is time for me to step up to adulthood. I work full time M-F but my obsession with fashion is eating me out of house and home. I suppose I could pick up a part-time waitressing job for the summer down by the waterfront or perhaps a nannying position for nights/wknds? If anyone in the Portsmouth, NH area has an leads for me...let me know! I could use all the help I can get ladies!

Enjoy the day!

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Pic of the Day

When I went to camp the summer between 7th & 8th grade for two weeks, my parents send me a card everyday. Growing up I was obsessed with elephants, and one of the cards that they sent me had this image on it. Everytime I see this picture it brings me back to my childhood. I feel like the little girl in the picture is me!

playing catch-up

I am going to take advantage of a few moments of downtime between meetings to post some pics of the past few weeks. I believe I left off telling you all about going to my bff's graduation...
It was supposed to rain that day but ended up being absolutely gorgeous (I got a little sunburnt)
My best guy friend since freshman year of high school!

Next came the bff's grad party followed by a beautiful weekend on Cape Cod. Her Uncle let us take over his house on Buzzard's Bay (technically right above the cape) and it was sooo much fun!!

It was the perfect summer weekend and it was so hard to leave. I had to catch the 4 am bus the next morning for my early flight so I didn't even go to sleep. Luckily I gained two hours traveling to MST but my body is still all out of wack. I'm sure by the end of the week it will be adjusted by the time I need to leave again lol. The hectic day of meetings is over so it should be pretty smooth sailing for the rest of the week (plenty of time for blogging!). Tonight our group might go down to Sundance for dinner (as in where the famous film festival is every January- if only we were a few months earlier!). It'll be fun to walk around and see all the places that you in pictures of the stars. By being here I am missing out on the insance heat wave at home (low 70's here, high 90's at home). I guess we picked the perfect week to be traveling!!

Enjoy the day girls!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Sorry I have been out of the loop for a while, work has been crazzzzzyyyyy. I am in Utah all week for conferences so hopefully next week things will slow down. I will try to post some pics from this past weekend which was sooo fun soon! (My bf's grad party down on the cape) Hopefully talk to you all soon!