Wednesday, June 11, 2008

playing catch-up

I am going to take advantage of a few moments of downtime between meetings to post some pics of the past few weeks. I believe I left off telling you all about going to my bff's graduation...
It was supposed to rain that day but ended up being absolutely gorgeous (I got a little sunburnt)
My best guy friend since freshman year of high school!

Next came the bff's grad party followed by a beautiful weekend on Cape Cod. Her Uncle let us take over his house on Buzzard's Bay (technically right above the cape) and it was sooo much fun!!

It was the perfect summer weekend and it was so hard to leave. I had to catch the 4 am bus the next morning for my early flight so I didn't even go to sleep. Luckily I gained two hours traveling to MST but my body is still all out of wack. I'm sure by the end of the week it will be adjusted by the time I need to leave again lol. The hectic day of meetings is over so it should be pretty smooth sailing for the rest of the week (plenty of time for blogging!). Tonight our group might go down to Sundance for dinner (as in where the famous film festival is every January- if only we were a few months earlier!). It'll be fun to walk around and see all the places that you in pictures of the stars. By being here I am missing out on the insance heat wave at home (low 70's here, high 90's at home). I guess we picked the perfect week to be traveling!!

Enjoy the day girls!

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