Monday, December 22, 2008
Hello Winter

Thursday, December 18, 2008
I am LOVING etsy.com
Seller: rumpunch
Seller: KM Thomas Designs
* Cute stationary that can be personalized with any words, names or initials. These are the choices I made for my mom and sisters. Each with their initials on the top:

Seller: Acorn Beach
*more handmade jewelry. I purchased a handstrung glass bead necklace. (sorry no picture)
A few more great sellers that I came across:
Pink Pins and Needles
Decal Monograms
Happy Shopping!
Knocking and Knitting

Tuesday, December 16, 2008
proof of kindness in the world
calling all helpful bloggers!!!

Monday, December 15, 2008
Yay! Power!
P.S. Anyone else super pumped for "The City"?
Weekend with no power
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Can you say global warming?
Well hello global warming. With each day's temperatures changing so drastically its almost impossible to dress appropriately for the weather these days. Luckily layering is always in style and the best way to prep yourself for anything. I was never in the girl scouts growing up, but I still try to always be prepared for anything. Here are a few of my favorite pieces to layer with this fall/winter:
Satin Bow Cardigan- Forever 21- $22.80

Mohair Muffle Scarf- Jcrew- $29.50 (on sale)
Tweed Ruffle Jacket- Ann Taylor Loft- $99.00

Wool Crepet Ruffle Jacket- Ann Taylor Loft- $79.99

Cattyhunk Cardigan- Vineyard Vines

Kelly Street Cable Sweater- Vineyard Vines
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
The gift of extra holiday pounds...

Tuesday, December 9, 2008
I'm baaaaaack

Monday, September 22, 2008
First Day!

I just got back from being taken out to lunch by my boss, and two other heads of marketing. We went to a great little Indian restaurant. I have a lot going on today and I need to get back to things, but I'll make sure to post more later!!
Happy Monday Everyone!
Friday, September 19, 2008
Friday Freebie
Finally Friday!!

Thank you to everyone that responded to my last post. You're words of wisdom were amazing and exactly what I needed to hear. Last night I had a pretty big blow out with Kevin on the phone and was so upset afterwards. Today we've emailed back and forth and have both said that we hating fighting with one another and really want to try and work things out this weekend. We've made plans to hang out both tonight and tomorrow night, so I hope that we will be able to resolve everything. Even though I have never met any of you readers in person, hearing your kind words makes me feel like I actually know you. It's awful that we all live so far apart, because I would totes want to hang out with all of you!
I hope that you all have an amazing weekend enjoying this fabulous fall weather!
Thursday, September 18, 2008

Growing up is hard. I feel like I have always pictured my adult life in a certain way and as I become more independent I'm realizing that nothing is ever how I expected it would be. I've discovered that things change on a daily basis and that there really is no ultimate goal- bc once you've reached it, life still goes and the next day always comes. I know that communication in my relationship with others has never been my strong point. Things have been struggling with Kevin lately and I'm really at a loss for words. I'm hoping that day by day things will get better, but I also don't want to feel like I am the only one working at it. Have any of you ever been in a long-term relationship where you know that your not really happy with where things are, but you can't imagine letting that person go? But you also know that you don't want to keep going if the relationship really isn't meant to be? I just know that I don't want to be one of those people who put years & years into a relationship only to still have it crumble. I mean let's face it, I'm not getting any younger! I know I'm only 22, but I'm post college faze and am afraid that if things don't work out with Kevin that I'm never going to find anyone else. I think I'm possibly the youngest person at my company and I'm not meeting any hotties on the mat next to me in yoga.
I know that I have asked for a lot of feedback and advice from you all this week, but I need more. I like to use this blog to get different perspectives and feedback from people other than in my daily life.
Thanks Ladies
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Hump Day

I stumbled across this diet online called the "three-day diet". After reading it over it seemed reasonable and not at all difficult. It encorporates a lot of the foods that I eat anyways so I've decided to give it a whirl. Everyone needs a good flush and restart to their metabolism. Since next week will begin a new chapter in my life, i decided why not start it a few pounds slimmer?!
Has anyone else ever tried this before? If so, I would love your feedback on what you thought of it!
Monday, September 15, 2008
another monday

Friday, September 12, 2008
back in action!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008
it's a new dawn, it's a new day

Out to dinner
Then it proceeded to absolutely POUR... this was on the way to the bar lol. The hat was from the restaurant hahaa
The bar was only about a 2 blocks from the restaurant, but we were soaked by the time we got there! This was me in the bathroom trying to dry off hahaha (after a few margaritas, can't you tell?)
Friday, September 5, 2008
Happy Friday!
This week has been an absolute circus at work. We had our clients from Utah visiting all week, and it felt like I was running around like a chicken with it's head cut off. Thankfully they left this morning so I can begin to ease into the weekend. Tomorrow one of my very good friends turns 21 and I am so excited to take her out. This weekend should definitely be filled with some good stories to share with you all (as well as some good pics) on Monday!
Talk to you then!
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
worst blogger ever!!!
I don't think that I can apologize enough ladies for my complete lack of existence in blogland. Things have been absolutely crazy trying to wrap up the summer (can you believe it's already September????) but hopefully things will settle down a bit this fall so I can get back into a regular routine.
Things are crazy with work this week and hopefully (keep your fingers crossed!) I will be hearing about another position in the company that I interviewed for last week. I spent this weekend on Martha's Vineyard with my bff and it was possibly the best weekend of my life. From perfect beach days to hilarious nights out on the town, it was an amazing note to end the summer on. I was very sad on the ferry ride back last night, but there is a possibility that I might be returning this weekend :). Hopefully this short week will go by quickly!
Happy Monday everyone!
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
blah, blah, blah
Until then ladies...
Friday, August 1, 2008
get me out of this office...and into the weekend
On another note I want to thank you all for your kind words in regards to my post below. I tried calmly exlpaining to him on several occasions about how I felt about our conversation but we never really got anywhere. At this point I think it's just going to fizzle out. I've been left with a really bad taste in my mouth from the whole thing and cannot help but keep it in the back of my mind though. Maybe he did say that and just doesn't want me to know, maybe he didn't. At this point I don't even want to discuss engagements and I wish that the whole thing had never happened.
I hope that you all enjoy your weekends and that next week will be much better for all of us!
P.S. Wednesday night I came home after a promo to a visitor in my house...a bat! Awful! Awful! Awful! Another post for another time...
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
calling all great advice givers!!
SO the boyfriend and I have been together for a little over two years. The topic of marriage has come up many a time and we are both in agreement that that is the track we are heading on. A couple of his friends have started to get engaged so the thought has kind of been in the air lately. When he found out that the first of his friends was engaged, he immediately freaked out saying that there was going to be all this pressure now between the rest of them to get engaged as well. I told him, "NO PRESSURE whatsoever". I know that financially neither one of us is ready for that so in no way did I expect him to propose in the near future. I also dropped the line that he better not ask without a ring, which I think helped to ease his tension because both of us know that he is no where near close to having the money saved up for that purchase yet.
Well being the girl I am, I just happened to be purusing some jewelrs online just looking at the latest styles of engagement rings. I happened to find two that I absolutely love and perfect-they were both sold at a jewelry store in dowtown Portsmouth!! So I decide to tell Kevin about my excitement and show him the styles online. This way he won't have to worry about having to choose from the million styles out there because when the time comes he will already know what I want and where to get it. I think that I am being a huge help. I mean, I can't imagine the stress that men must undergo in having to pick out a ring if they have no starting off point.
So this past weekend we are spending time with his parents, and he brings up the fact that I picked out my ring. I explain to his parents why I showed it to him (exactly what I just explained to you all). We start getting into funny engagement stories, blah, blah, blah. So his mother and I end up going off into a side convo where she asks me when we decided that this was the next step that we were going to take. I told her that it has been something we have always talked about, so its really nothing new. Then she drops the BOMB. She told me that Kevin had gone to her and his father about two weeks ago and told them that he had begun saving for a ring was thinking of proposing around Christmas. (WHAT?! YAYYYY!!!) Then as I try to pick my jaw up off of the ground, she asks if we had discussed when he would be proposing. I say, "NO" (because who really discussing that??) And she replies with, "Oh, well your welcome I guess". I was stunned!!! I mean on one hand I was overjoyed, but on the other I was thinking how could she have just told me that?!
When I heard the news I was so excited. I felt like I had already been proposed to. I was so ecstatic that he had actually seriously thought about our future together and had planned accordingly. This is a huge step to take in someone's life, and I know that we've talked about it before, but that fact that he had actually decided that he was ready to take that step with me literally brought tears to my eyes. I think it was the happiest I had ever felt.
So cut to yesterday when I am talking to my roommates about this because I can no longer keep it inside, where they tell me that I have to tell him that I know. Not just because I don't want to still his thunder when he asks by then telling him that I already knew, but also because I really do want it to be a surprise to me as well. I decide that maybe they are right and that I should tell him. (I had been going back and forth in my mind about it since I found out) So last night I get up enough nerve to tell him when we were on the phone together before bed. The reaction I was expecting was that he would be a little stunned and dissapointed, but that he would be excited that I was so excited and that he could then plan for another time.
He replies, "I never said that". My heart instantly sunk out of feet. I felt like I was going to throw up. I almost felt like I had just proposed to him and he had said no. I felt like the biggest idiot in the world, thinking of how mature he was and how he had really stepped up. He didn't even try and make me feel better by saying that he was sorry I got so excited and felt really bad that I was told that. NOTHING. It was complete silence for a solid two minutes. It was the most awkward moment of my life (and believe me, I've had many!). I almost felt like he was mad/defensive that I would even think that he was ready to take that step. He then just ended the conversation and got off the phone. I was so hurt and I knew if I said anything he wouldn't understand. I feel so ashamed and embarressed right now. I don't even want to see him.
Girls, I need your help. I don't know what to do.
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Tagged by TAG!
Here are the rules:
1. Link to the person who tagged you and post the rules on your blog.
2. Share 5 songs you are embarrassed to admit to others that you like and tell why.
3. Tag 5 random people at the end of post and include links to their blogs.
4. Let each person know they've been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.
1. "The Jumpoff" by Lil' Kim- not preppy in the SLIGHTEST haha but it is my group of friends favorite song to get ready to for a night out lol. I'm pretty sure every girl in our sorority knows this song word for word hahahah
2. "Come Clean" by Hilary Duff- what can I say, I was a huuuge Laguna Beach fan. This in one of those songs that just reminds me of driving at night in the summertime with the window's down on my way home from a long shift waitressing
3. "Beautiful Soul" by Jesse McCartney- HAHA my freshman year in college my bff and I made many a road trip with this song blasting! We loved how cheesy it was and even made up some horrible dance moves to go along with it. DORKS, I know!
4. "As I Lay Me Down" by Sophie B. Hawkins- for some reason I have always LOVED this song, ever since I was little. Sooo random, but I can't help it!
5. "Landslide" by the Dixie Chicks- I'm not a country fan at all, but I really do like their cover of this song. You just can't help but listen to it when it comes on!
I would like to tag...
Mrs. LSL
Tipsy In Madras
A Connecticut Girl
Pink is My Signature Color
Happy Tuesday Girls!
Friday, July 25, 2008
Gossip Girl Season 1 on DVD finally coming out!!!! Who else is super pumped?!
hottie with a body

Thursday, July 24, 2008
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Yay Bailey!!!

Monday, July 21, 2008
My First Tag!
A. Attached or Single? Attached- me and the bf have been together for 2yrs!
B. Best Friend? My BF Kevin, and my best girlfriend Meaghan
C. Cake or pie? Cake- funfetti all the way!
D. Day of choice? Fridays...even though you have to get up for work, when you get out you know you have the whole weekend ahead of you
E. Essential item? Cell phone, pearl earrings
F. Favorite color? Any shade of pink, and navy
G. Gummy bears or worms? Neither- Swedish fish please!
H. Home town? Maine/New Hampshire Seacoast
I. Favorite indulgence? Ben & Jerry's Half Baked Ice Cream
J. January or July? July! Summertime girl down to my core :)
M. Marriage date? not yet, no need to rush it
N. Number of brothers and sisters? I'm the youngest of four- two sisters and a brother. (And one brother-in-law!)
O. Oranges or Apples? For drinking- fresh squeezed oranges, for eating- apples (mmm apple crisp)
P. Phobias? Heights (yikes!). I used to have a terrible commitment phobia. I had never dated anyone longer than three months before Kevin, but he helped me get over that :)
Q. Quotes? Too many to choose from! Here are a few classics though...
"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do...So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover." - Mark Twain
"I believe in pink, I believe that laughing is the best calorie burner. I believe in kissing. I believe in being strong when everything seems to be going wrong. I believe that happy girls are the prettiest girls. I believe that tomorrow is another day and I believe in m i r a c l e s." - Audrey Hepburn
R. Reasons to smile? The ability to live my life each and every day
S. Season of choice? Summer (obvi), Fall and it's amazing changing colors are a close second though
T. Tag 5 people: I feel like most people have already completed this, so if you haven't yet I tag you!
U. Unknown fact about me? Up until I went away to college, it was my long-time dream to be a Radio City Rockette
V. Vegetable? Corn on the cob
W. Worst habit? Procrastination
X. X-ray or Ultrasound? Not quite ready for an ultrasound and not too fond of the thought of x-rays
Z. Zodiac sign? Taurus- yet my birthday (April 20th) falls right on the line so some people might argue that I am an Aries. I think that I carry traits of both
Z. Which zoo animal is your favorite? Elephants all the way. I've been obsessed with them for as long as I can remember
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Life has a mind of it's own...
On a much higher note, I am going on quite the excursion tomorrow. I'm going down to Martha's Vineyard! The story as to why is a little long, so hang in there...
My bff got a job down on the Vineyard and really wanted the two of us to move down there together. I already have a job that I have been at for a year, but you all know how that is going. So I decided to try and find something down there. I was all gung-ho about it for a while, but after not hearing back from anywhere decided to give up. I would push through the tension at work and stick it out. Everyone goes through rough times at work and I would just learn to deal with it. Well last Thursday the bff left me a voicemail saying that she had found the perfect job for me and that I absolutely had to go online and check it out. So to I decided I would just take a look at it. Well, it's for an office manager for a performing arts center on the Vineyard. I danced for 15 years of my life and competitively for most of them. I just started back up with a dance team, so being part of running a studio has always been a dream of mine. I figured I would just send in my resume to flatter the bff (even though I probably wouldn't hear back) just to say that I had tried. Friday morning on my way to the beach I got a phone call saying that they wanted me to come in for an interview. You have got to be kidding me! After I finally decided I wasn't going to move, that's when I got a call back. So I was debating whether or not to call back but I decided that I might as well call and find out some information on the position. They probably wouldn't be paying much, so that alone would make my decision a solid 'no'. I ended up talking to the girl for almost 45 minutes. It sounds like such an amazing opportunity-damnit. So towards the end of our conversation I had to ask the question...salary. Well the girl who I was talking to is replacing herself so she wouldn't be able to answer that question for me, I would have to speak to the directors of the studio. All she could say was that they took very good care of her. What is that supposed to mean?!

Have a good weekend ladies!!!
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Are they serious?!

Thursday, July 10, 2008
friday for me!

I love reading about new products, etc. on other's blogs so I figured I would share a few of mine. I hope that you all have a fantastic weekend- I can't wait to read all about it!
Monday, July 7, 2008
back to work

(Kevin and I on the fourth)
So the long weekend was definitely what I needed. It was so fun and relaxing that I was not looking forward to heading back into the office this morning. Luckily this is a four day week for me as well! This weekend Kevin and I are going on a camping trip will all of his friends (wish me luck!).
Enjoy your Monday!
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
mind, boy, & soul

So I looked up the local studio online. While I was purusing the site for info, I came across an amazing opportunity. They offer a limited number of spots for people to volunteer in return for free classes. I met with the owners last night and they are both so nice! They told me that I got the position and that I start next week. I have to volunteer for at least 2 hours a week (which will be a snap) helping out with things around the studio. And I can start classes immediately! I ran out to target during my lunch break to purchase a new yoga mat (pink, of course!). I can't wait!
Monday, June 30, 2008
is it friday yet?!

Friday, June 27, 2008
Sooooo ready for the weekend...

Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Lifelong Dream

Especially after my post earlier this morning, mabey this is exactly what I need. All I need to do is find a job now...wish me luck!